
Bootcamps for Serious Offenders Don’t Work!

The experience from managing New Zealand’s Military Activity Camp, the MAC   What was the MAC As part of the FreshStart package for young offenders introduced by the New Zealand Gover ........

Locking Kids Up Is A Flawed Strategy

Residential Care and Detention for Youth Offenders Cannot Succeed  Many Western jurisdictions continue to lock up young people who offend in secure sterile concrete warehouses. They may have ........

For Authors or Anyone Interested: This Is How I Set About Writing ‘The Night Staffer’

Ever since I worked as a night staffer at the Christchurch Boys Home I wanted to write a book about the experience. Living at night felt like being part of a parallel universe that had its own rules. ........

The Night Staffer: Theme 2 The Power of Music

The power of music to create a bridge between people is a central theme in The Night Staffer. Jai, a young person recently admitted to the residence, is an experienced and reasonably competent guitari ........

The Night Staffer Theme (1): Good vs Evil: Black, White or Grey?

Ever since I experienced being a night staffer in the year the Christchurch Boys Home closed (1987-8) I wanted to write this book. It was a totally new and fascinating time that I thought was worth sh ........

Locking Kids Up Is A Flawed Strategy

The approach of locking kids up as a strategy is deeply flawed and counterproductive. Instead of addressing the root causes of their behavior, it perpetuates a cycle of violence and alienation. A m ........